Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Shutter Speed.

Shutter speed.
Sorry for the delay in writing this bit up, been sidetracked lol. Ok so how does shutter speed affect your photography.
In photography, shutter speed or exposure time is the length of time a camera's shutter is open when taking a photograph. The amount of light that reaches the film or image sensor is proportional to the exposure time.
Sometimes people have asked me why their photographs are never quite sharp or are always a little blurry.
Sometimes this is due to incorrect shutter speed, using a shutter speed that is too slow.
As a general rule of thumb you should use a shutter speed that is equal to the focal length of the lens, E.G. 100mm lens would require a shutter speed of 1/100th of a second minimum,  whilst a 400mm lens would require 1/400th minimum to prevent blurry pictures.
Image stabilised lenses allow for lower speeds to be used but this is just a general rule of thumb.
Shutter speed works in conjunction with aperture and iso to give you your exposure value or EV. As I explained in the previous posts about the aperture and iso they effect one another in a linear manner, as one value goes up or down then the other values also change to give the correct EV.
Changing your shutter speed can be useful for things like sports photography or photographs of fast moving objects, using a fast shutter speed to freeze the motion.

 Other times a slow shutter speed can be used (as well as a tripod) to capture flowing water in a motion blur etc.

 Usually a shutter speed of around 1 or 2 seconds is needed and a good sturdy tripod for this type of shot.
Well that's the three basics of exposure covered, any questions please feel free to drop me a message or on the blog. 
Happy snapping :)

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